Family Fun and Cheese on toast

With 2020 being a washout for weddings due to Covid-19 I have had the pleasure of capturing some farnham family photoshoots! Photographing families is a whole new ball game for me, but I must admit I rather enjoyed it! Firstly I have to say how nice it was to be back behind the camera, with not having photographed a wedding since February I was over the moon when Will and Joanne contacted me and asked if I would photograph their beautiful family.

Being able to capture families was at first very intimidating for me as I have always seen lots of photographers struggle when it comes to capturing kids. Needless to say not having any children of my own made me feel quite anxious. The thought of crying or screaming kids who don’t want a big old camera in their face was a thought which worried me.

However, we all have get out of our comfort zone right, so with this in mind I headed to the sleepy town of Farnham to meet Will and Joanne and Adeline in their beautiful home. Like with my wedding photography I wanted to tell a story rather than a bunch of posey staged photographs so I told Will and Joanne just to be themselves and do whatever they would normally do and I’ll just capture moments along the way. When I arrived it was clear that the session was going to be great both Will and Joanne where perfect hosts and little Adeline was the cutest little girl beaming with smiles and laughter. After chasing the cat around the garden for a while Joanne got Adeline ready for a walk down to Moore Park we even had time for some cheese on toast.

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Moore Park House in Farnham

We decided to go for a walk through Moore Park House which is a lovely listed home which kindly have opened their gates to the public as a cut through to Moore Park itself. This access takes you through their beautiful back garden which runs alongside the river which has some very cheeky wooden mice for children to find. Adeline was no stranger to these mice and insisted on feeding them in the cutest possible way of course.

Just down from the entrance to Moore Park House was a couple of Horses called Bella and Lilly, we all stopped to feed them some grass and pat them. Adeline was having so much fun feeding them that when it was time to leave she really didn’t want to as she didnt get too feed the lovely white horse Lily, but as much as we tried we could get Lilly the horse to come and say hi.

Sheeps, Herons and Poohsticks!

As we all wondered on we came across a very loud field of sheep and it would of been crazy not to talk to the sheep, Adeline was full of laughter as mum and dad impersonated sheep and even had a go herself. After the sheep stopped talking we heading down to the river crossing but before we did Adeline spotted a Heron and I was quick enough to capture it flying off.

Before getting to the bridge Will popped Adeline on his shoulders to get a better view and Adelines favorite bunny Stinky made an appearance covering Will’s eyes much to Adeline’s amusement. As we approached the bridge we had to find the best sticks for a classic game of poohsticks, Adeline was always on to a winner with the stick she chose. As Will, Joanne and Adeline raced their sticks upstream and quickly jumped to the other side of the bridge to see who’s stick first appeared downstream and alas it was Adeline’s.

Farnham Family Photoshoot

After all the excitement of poohsticks we headed to an abandoned summer house for some photos, I really like rustic houses as they can look great in photos with all the different textures. As we headed back home we stopped for some quick portraits and some blackberries from a nearby bush. Adeline was a bit to eager and caught her finger on a thorn whilst reaching for some blackberries, luckily mummy was on hand to make it all better and as if nothing happened Adeline was off running and laughing to Daddy.

I had a great time capturing photos of Joanne, WIll and Adeline and I can’t wait to deliver the rest of the photos from this session. I would also love to hear what everyone thinks of my photos, should I branch out into family photography as well as weddings? Hit me up in the comments below!

This year has been and still is very challenging for us all but I want to reassure all of my brides that you will get married and it will all work out. If you are thinking about postponing your wedding please follow this link to a blog post I wrote on how to plan your wedding during Covid-19.

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